Gardening With Your Baby

baby outdoor activities, gardening with your baby

I have always wanted a big, successful garden! Every year life gets in the way and I do not tend to it as much as I plan. This year I decided to make it an activity for Peanut and I do to together! IT IS SO MUCH FUN!


Peanut helped us plan some of the seeds that we put in pots. He loved exploring the dirt. He even made it a few minutes before he tried to eat it!

Then my husband and I took turns planting the rest of the seeds. Peanut was 10 months old at the time, so we didn’t want him crawling around in the dirt while we planted!

Daily Sensory Walks

Everyday we walk around the garden and look really close at the plants sprouting up. I talk to him about the type of vegetables we are growing and how the leaves look so far. It is also helping me notice and appreciate the growth each day!

When the plant is big enough I let Peanut gently touch it. He has been doing great with being gentle lately! Peanut loves touching the flowers too! *I always make sure to wash his hands after these activities so he isn’t putting his fingers on his face with pollen or dirt on them.

Sometimes I will rub my fingers on the leaves of our tomato plant or some of the herbs then hold them near Peanut’s nose. He leans in to my fingers so I think he enjoys smelling them!

baby outdoor activities, gardening with your baby

Mommy’s Helper

Every day we water the plants together! Peanut sits in his Ride on Car and we move around the backyard together to water everything. Sitting in the car for this activity is perfect since Peanut cannot walk yet! I hold the hose so Peanut can grab onto it. I only pull the handle for the water when he is touching it so he feels like he is controlling the water. He LOVES this. He loves watching the water as it goes through the air and lands on the plants!

Do you have any ideas to help involve your little one with gardening? I would love to hear them!

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