9 Month Old Books

I would have never predicted that Peanut’s favorite activity at 9 months old would be reading, BUT it is! Well picking a book, listening, flipping the pages, and examining each picture (not exactly reading) but I love every minute of it! He has two places where we keep his books- in his room and on a shelf in the living room. If he is put down to crawl anywhere near those even a room away he b-lines right to the shelf and grabs a book for us to read.

board books, 9 month old, baby books

It is even more amazing that out of the 20+ books on each shelf, he picks the same ones over and over, even if they are in different locations! Looking at his favorites I noticed some commonalities between them!

Features that make a book his favorite:

  • babies (real photographs or drawings)
  • touch and feel
  • pop- up
  • Sesame Street
  • sound books

He loves reading other books on our laps, but these are the ones he likes to pick out and flip through himself as I read it. Reading with Peanut is one of my favorite activities! Watching him smile so big and stroke Elmo’s face on each page (yes he does that), is just amazing! I am loving 9 months old! He is just soaking in everything around him and so clearly understanding it!

Peanut’s Favorite Books

I just bought the Babies and Doggies book for my sweet new niece! It is so adorable! Tell me your baby’s favorite books!

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